Spring & summer events
Spring & summer events
In 2024, the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) will offer five on-site Summer Institute workshops at the Marillac Center in Leavenworth, KS. These workshops are designed for vocation ministers, formation teams, communicators, religious leadership, and others entrusted with the assessment of discerners and candidates. As part of the NRVC curriculum, these workshops help deepen participants' understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry.
The Mission of the NRVC reflects its commitment to providing members with educational opportunities, relevant resources, and other supportive services that strengthen and enhance the practiced ministerial skills of those serving in vocation ministry. The NRVC strongly suggests that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation and faith formation, and further develop their professional competencies. Vocation ministers need to keep up-to-date on trends, issues, skills, and best practices in the field of vocation ministry.
Our annual Summer Institute will offer five onsite workshops at the Marillac Center, in Leavenworth, KS, July 9-30, 2024. Choose to attend one or several workshops, it's your choice. All workshops include overnight accommodations at the Marillac Center. Enjoy the convenience of having a private bedroom and bathroom, linen service, wi-fi, meals, and breaks. If you are traveling from abroad and need additional nights to adjust to the time zone change (at your expense), please let us know so we can accommodate your needs if possible.
Workshop registration is open in our online store
Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors
July 10-14, 2024, presented by Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., and Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.
Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry
July 16-17 2024, presented by Rev. Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D.
Behavioral Assessment 1
July 19-21, 2024, presented by Rev. Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D.
Health and Wellness Issues in Candidate Assessment
July 23-24, 2024 presented by Sister Chero Chuma, C.S.J.P., D.N.P., and Sister Mary Catherine Redmond, P.B.V.M.
Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding
July 26-29, 2024 presented by Sister Lynn M. Levo, C.S.J., Ph.D.
Workshops are open to NRVC members at a discounted rate and for non-members at an affordable price. Each workshop is $185 per person per day for members and $270 per person per day for non-members, regardless of the workshop. Summer Institute overnight accommodations are $115 per night and reserved in a blocked contract regardless of your arrival/departure dates. If you registered for two or more workshops, you will not have to check out of your room and will provide meals between the workshops.
If you want to become a member to receive the discounted rate, click here.
Summer Institute registrations received after June 30 incur a $100 late fee.
Cancellations for workshops must be received in writing to dinasp@nrvc.net before June 1 to receive a full refund minus a $100 processing fee. After June 1, all fees are non-refundable.
The Misericordia Scholarship Find is available to assist NRVC members with their professional development. Scholarship funds can be applied to NRVC workshops; however, they do not cover the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals, or personal expenses. If you need financial assistance to attend an NRVC workshop, find out more information here to apply online.
Please read our NRVC terms and conditions for all events and programs.
I registered because of the positive experiences I’ve had in previous NRVC workshops and for ongoing professional development. I found the material presented very enriching, helpful, and informative. Also, I found the input very suitable to help myself and my community members. Thank you very much, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
--Sister Lucinder Mologai, S.M.S.M from Fiji
Direct your questions to Sr. Dina Bato, S.P. at dinasp@nrvc.net
Religious Brothers Day is held annually on May 1, the feast of Saint Joseph the Worker. All religious brothers are recognized during this international event. Prayer services and reflections for celebrating this day are available at ReligiousBrothers.org
Mark your calendars for a virtual celebration on May 1, 1 pm and 7 pm CDT, hosted by the Brothers Think Tank composed of NRVC, RBC, CMSM, and RFC members. All are welcome to both events!
Some other ways to celebrate Religious Brothers Day are:
"The laughter, the prayer, age was never an issue for me. The one thing that was consistent was the relationships and the mentorships. And that real sense of just being Brother. Centered in Christ, first and foremost, and then with the community life, being able to take it to the apostolate and to give witness, as a community, was probably the best thing" (about being a Brother).
"To see these men, priests and brothers, working together on a project that seemed worth doing. They were very, very much individuals, unique, bringing very different things to the work, bringing different gifts to a work that seemed desperately in need of being well done."
"I did not know religious life where I was growing up because there was no religious around the area. It wasn't until later in life that I found out that there was religious, and there were also religious Brothers. That's really what attracted me to the community was more of the sense of family, the sense of prayer, and a sense of equality."
The NRVC has published a series of Abundant Hope videos which includes Brothers. The following videos are publicly available to share for Religious Brothers Day and at other events to promote the vocation of Brother:
Brothers of the Christian Schools
Brothers of the Christian Schools, Eastern North America
Brothers of the Sacred Heart, Province of the United States
Christian Brothers Conference, Regional Office
Congregation of Christian Brothers (Edmund Rice Christian Brothers)
De La Salle Christian Brothers, Midwest
De La Salle Christian Brothers, San Francisco, New Orleans
Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God
Augustinian Friars, Western Province
Augustinians of the Assumption
Benedictine Monks, Assumption Abbey
Benedictine Monks, Christ the King Priory
Benedictine Monks, Glastonbury Abbey
Benedictine Monks, Mount Michael Abbey
Benedictine Monks, Newark Abbey
Benedictine Monks, Portsmouth Abbey
Benedictine Monks, Saint Procopius Abbey
Benedictine Monks, Saint John Abbey
Benedictine Monks, Saint Meinrad Archabbey
Canons Regular of the Holy Cross
Capuchin Franciscans, Custody of Puerto Rico
Capuchin Franciscans, Province of St. Joseph
Carmelite Fathers and Brothers, Province of St. Elias
Carmelite Friars, Most Pure Heart of Mary Province
Congregation of the Holy Spirit
Congregation of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood
Congregation of the Resurrection, CA
Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Discalced Carmelite Friars, Oklahoma Province of St. Therese
Dominican Friars, Saint Martin de Porres
Franciscan Friars of the Atonement
Franciscan Friars, Conventual, Our Lady of Consolation
Franciscan OFM Friars - U.S. 6
Jesuit Fathers and Brothers, Central and Southern Province
Jesuit Fathers and Brothers, East Province
Jesuit Fathers and Brothers, Midwest Province
Jesuit Fathers and Brothers, Western Province
Josephite Fathers and Brothers
Marianists, Province of Meribah
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette
Missionaries of the Precious Blood
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Canada
Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity
Missionhurst Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Nortbertines of St. Norbert Abbey
Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, Wilmington-Philadelphia
Order of Friar Servants of Mary
Order of the Most Holy Trinity
Pallotines, Immaculate Conception Province
Pallotines, Mother of God Province
Passionists, Holy Cross Province
Passionists, Paul of the Cross Province
Priests of the Sacred Heart, Dehonians
Redemptorists, Edmonton-Toronto Province
Salesians of Don Bosco, Eastern Province
Salesians of Don Bosco, Western Province
Society of Jesus, East Province
Trappist Cistercian Monks, New Clairvaux
This foundational workshop is essential for all newly appointed vocation directors and teams. Its goal is to provide participants with the foundational skills, context, theory, challenges, and practicalities of contemporary vocation ministry. Topics will include accompaniment with inquirers, assessment of discerners, application and admission processes, vocation promotion, canon law, boundaries, animating vowed membership, relevant resources, current research, and establishing resiliency and promoting self-care of the vocation director.
Please note this five-day workshop begins on July 10 at 9:00 a.m. and ends on July 14 at 4:15 p.m. CST. Overnight accommodations are included, with arrivals after 3 pm on July 9 and departures before 9 am on July 15.
This workshop will be the first workshop available at our annual Summer Institute at the Marillac Center, in Leavenworth, KS. It is the home of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth. The nearest airport is Kansas City (MCI) and ground transportation is available through Lyft, Uber, and Super Shuttle. Workshop participation is limited to 23 participants.
Eucharistic Liturgy for workshop participants will be offered each day at 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel, which includes Sunday Mass. Each workshop includes communal prayer.
Sister Deborah M. Borneman, SS.C.M. began working for the NRVC in 2011 and presently serves as the Director of Mission Integration. A Sister of Saints Cyril and Methodius, she previously served as vocation director for her community and on her congregational leadership team. Sr. Debbie has ministerial experience in pastoral care, youth ministry, college campus ministry, and immigration advocacy. She has presented on various topics in vocation ministry in Ireland and throughout the United States. Sr. Debbie holds a Master of Divinity degree and a Master of Arts Degree in Pastoral Studies (Loyola University, Chicago).
Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D. is currently serving as Rector for the Divine Word Theologate located in Hyde Park, Chicago. Since 2011, Fr. Adam has served as a Vocation Director for his congregation and continues in this ministry part-time. He previously served in the Philippines, on the Provincial Council for the Chicago Province, and as Vice-Provincial. Fr. Adam holds a Master of Divinity degree (Catholic Theological Union, Chicago) and a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Center for Spiritual Development, California. He served on the NRVC Board for 6 years, and five years on the executive committee as Vice Chair. He has presented with the OP team since 2017.
Workshop fees include materials, speaker stipends, facility fees, all meals, and breaks. The workshop fee also includes overnight accommodations for 6 nights, arriving after 3:00 p.m. on July 9 and checking out by 9:00 a.m. on July 15. If you do not need overnight accommodations, please contact dinasp@nrvc.net
NRVC member: $1,600 Non-member: $2,075
Become an NRVC member here to save on workshop fees.
Registration is now open in our online store
All workshop registrations received after June 30 incur a $100 late fee.
Cancellations for workshops must be received in writing to dinasp@nrvc.net before June 30 to receive a full refund minus a $100 processing fee. After June 30, all fees are non-refundable.
The Misericordia Scholarship Fund is available to assist NRVC members with their professional development. Scholarship funds can be applied to NRVC workshops; however, they do not cover the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals, or personal expenses. If you need financial assistance to attend an NRVC workshop, please apply here.
Please read our NRVC terms and conditions for all events and programs.
“The Orientation Program went above and beyond my expectations. I believe it has given me a great starting point for the future of my ministry.”
--Brother Peter Lamick, C.S.V.“I enjoyed meeting other members of religious congregations, learning best practices, and articulating our own, so that expectation was certainly met. The resource binder will certainly be valuable moving forward, especially as a reference to what is already implemented on a province level.”
--Father Dan Nevares, SJ“Both Sr. Debbie and Fr. Adam are excellent speakers. The materials shared with us new Vocation Directors were perfect. I appreciated the sensitivity of their presentation and practical stories to make the information as clear as possible. Sr. Debbie and Fr. Adam also complemented one another with humor and respect.”
--Srister Kieran Williams, I.H.M.“I came in with no expectations other than gaining pertinent information. This program not only provided a lot of information and resources, but it allowed for time to dialogue and form questions to take back to my community.”
--Mrs. Molly Hynes, representing
the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, TX
Workshops are designed from the NRVC curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies.
Please contact Sr. Dina Bato, S.P. at dinasp@nrvc.net.
Registration is now open in our online store
This workshop is designed to assist vocation directors, formation directors, congregational leaders, and vocation team members in understanding and articulating the basic ethical values, principles, and standards of vocation ministry. Topics include the ethical principles governing agency, confidentiality, and obligations related to positions of trust; dissemination of information; the timeliness of admissions or dismissal decisions; dual relationships; document disposition; the respect for human dignity, interculturality, and other issues related to ethical rights of candidates and of those in positions of authority.
Please note this two-day workshop begins on July 16 at 9:00 a.m. and ends on July 17 at 4:00 p.m. Central time. Overnight accommodations are included, with arrivals after 3 pm on July 15 and departures before 9 am on July 18. If you are staying for the Behavioral Assessment 1 workshop, you will not have to check out, your room and meals are included between workshops.
This second workshop of our Summer Institute will be held at the Malliac Center, Leavenworth, KS. It is the home of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, The nearest airport is Kansas City (MCI) and ground transportation is available through Lyft, Uber, and Super Shuttle. Workshop participation is limited to 23 participants.
Eucharistic Liturgy for workshop participants will be offered each day at 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel. Each workshop includes communal prayer.
Reverend Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D. is a priest of the Archdiocese of Portland, OR. He has taught at both the secondary and university levels and presently teaches at Mount Angel Seminary Graduate School of Theology in Saint Benedict, Oregon. Fr. Carey holds a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has presented workshops in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. He is a recipient of the NRVC Harvest Award and a Lifetime NRVC member for his work in service of vocation ministry.
Workshop fees include materials, speaker stipends, facility fees, all meals, and breaks. The workshop fee also includes overnight accommodations for 3 nights, arriving after 3:00 p.m. on July 15 and checking out by 9:00 a.m. on July 18. If you do not need overnight accommodations, please contact dinasp@nrvc.net
NRVC member: $700 Non-member: $900
Become an NRVC member here to save on workshop fees.
Workshop registration is now open in the online store
All workshop registrations received after June 30 incur a $100 late fee.
Cancellations for workshops must be received in writing to dinasp@nrvc.net before June 30 to receive a full refund minus a $100 processing fee. After June 30, all fees are non-refundable.
The Misericordia Scholarship Fund is available to assist NRVC members with their professional development. Scholarship funds can be applied to NRVC workshops; however, they do not cover the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals, or personal expenses. If you need financial assistance to attend an NRVC workshop, please apply here.
Please read our NRVC terms and conditions for all events and programs.
“Father Ray was not only a wealth of information but for the most part, gave clear explanations by using examples and situations that I could relate to.”
--Sister Annette Lucero, O.P.“This workshop exceeded my expectations….Father Ray's technique of giving examples and telling stories to deepen the topic is very good.”
--Father Carlos Jacobo, C.S.C.“Having had Fr. Ray in Behavioral Assessment, this workshop totally met my expectations. It gave me language and context of ethics.”
--Mrs. Michelle Horton, representing
Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa; and Heartland Member Area Coordinator“I have a better idea of all that Vocation Directors’ responsibilities include and how challenging it can be.”
--Sister Celeste Trahan, CCVI, congregational leader
of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Houston
Workshops are designed from the NRVC curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies.
Please contact Sr. Dina Bato, S.P. at dinasp@nrvc.net.
Workshop registration is now open in the online store
This foundational workshop teaches practical interviewing techniques in a theoretical framework of behavioral assessment. While the focus is on the initial assessment of candidates, the methodology is readily adapted to assessing candidates in other stages of formation. Interview topics include family background, educational and occupational histories, psychosexual histories and intimacy skills, faith history, Catholic practices, and other pertinent issues related to comprehensive vocation assessment.
Please note this three-day workshop begins on July 19 at 9:00 a.m. and ends on July 21 at 4:00 p.m. Central time. Overnight accommodations are included, with arrivals after 3 pm on July 18 and departures before 9 am on July 22. If you are registered for the Health and Wellness in Candidate Assessment workshop, you do not have to check out, your room and meals are provided between workshops.
This third workshop of our Summer Institute will be held at the Malliac Center, Leavenworth, KS. It is the home of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, The nearest airport is Kansas City (MCI) and ground transportation is available through Lyft, Uber, and Super Shuttle. Workshop participation is limited to 23 participants.
Eucharistic Liturgy for workshop participants will be offered each day at 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel, including Sunday Mass. Each workshop includes communal prayer.
Reverend Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D. is a priest of the Archdiocese of Portland, OR. He has taught at both the secondary and university levels and presently teaches at Mount Angel Seminary Graduate School of Theology in Saint Benedict, Oregon. Fr. Carey holds a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa, Canada. He has presented workshops in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. He is a recipient of the NRVC Harvest Award and is recognized as a Lifetime NRVC member for his significant work in service of vocation ministry.
Workshop fees include materials, speaker stipends, facility fees, all meals, and breaks. The workshop fee also includes overnight accommodations for 4 nights, arriving after 3:00 p.m. on July 18 and checking out by 9:00 a.m. on July 22. If you do not need overnight accommodations, please contact dinasp@nrvc.net
NRVC member: $1,000 Non-member: $1,290
Become an NRVC member here to save on workshop fees.
Workshop registration is now open in our online store
All workshop registrations received after June 30 incur a $100 late fee.
Cancellations for workshops must be received in writing to dinasp@nrvc.net before June 30 to receive a full refund minus a $100 processing fee. After June 30, all fees are non-refundable.
The Misericordia Scholarship Fund is available to assist NRVC members with their professional development. Scholarship funds can be applied to NRVC workshops; however, they do not cover the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals, or personal expenses. If you need financial assistance to attend an NRVC workshop, please apply here.
Please read our NRVC terms and conditions for all events and programs.
Workshops are designed from the NRVC curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. The NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies.
“The sessions involved many practical examples and questions which could be asked. It also listed several criterial pertaining to different situations which are applicable to assessment. Father Ray has a lot of experience and is a talented speaker so it was not hard to maintain attention throughout.” --Dr. Daniel Micallef
“Father Ray is an expert in his field and his generosity to pass on his knowledge and wisdom to others is highly appreciated.”
--Sister Madona Malacapay, O.C.D.“The workshop gave me much information on the process of evaluating and interviewing seekers and inquirers to our community. It gave me much-needed background information and provided practical tools in the process. Though daunting to implement, the workshop provided more practical information than I expected.”
--Brother Joseph Kronebush, O.C.S.O.“There is no question that his experience and expertise are likely without comparison, and I appreciated his ability to navigate the conversations and the questions.”
--Brother David Caretti, F.S.C.
Please contact Sr. Dina Bato, S.P. at dinasp@nrvc.net.
Workshop registration is now open in our online store
Today’s discerners come with varied healthcare preferences, chronic illnesses, and problematic medical issues that may complicate vocation discernment and the admissions process. Canon law 642 informs vocation directors and major superiors “to exercise a vigilant care to admit only those who, besides being of required age, are healthy, have a suitable disposition, and have sufficient maturity to undertake the life which is proper to the institute.” What does this mean for discerners living with diagnoses of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, lack of vaccinations, neurodiversity, anxiety, depression, ADHD, eating disorders, asthma, sleep apnea, long COVID-19, etc.?
This workshop addresses challenging issues that preclude admission to initial formation, must be resolved before admission, or can be part of a health history that will rarely disrupt overall wellness. Learn which health issues are more prevalent in cultures of origin, families, generations, and genders. Discover ways to ask minimally invasive questions about health behaviors including actions, practices, or habits that have an impact on health and vocation discernment.
Please note this two-day workshop begins on July 23 at 9:00 a.m. and ends on July 24 at 4:00 p.m. Central time. Overnight accommodations are included, with arrivals after 3 pm on July 22 and departures before 9 am on July 25. If you are registered for the next workshop, Being Human and Sexual, you do not have to check out of your room, your room and meals are provided between workshops.
This fourth workshop of our Summer Institute will be held at the Marillac Center, in Leavenworth, KS. It is the home of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, The nearest airport is Kansas City (MCI) and ground transportation is available through Lyft, Uber, and Super Shuttle. Workshop participation is limited to 23 participants.
Eucharistic Liturgy for workshop participants will be offered each day at 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel. Each workshop includes communal prayer.
Sister Chero Chuma, CSJP, DNP, is a Sister of Saint Joseph of Peace and a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). Sr. Chero is the Director for Vocations in the USA and has been involved in the healthcare field for over 22 years. She continues to serve as a per diem psychiatric provider at Seattle’s Crisis Solutions Center where she diagnoses and treats people with mental illness. Sr. Chero is a University of Washington graduate with a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree and a WWAMI AHEC Scholar. She is also a Seattle University graduate with a dual bachelor’s degree in nursing and theology & religious studies. She uses her education and experiences to educate many on matters of faith and mental health.
Sister Mary Catherine Redmond, P.B.V.M., has been Sister of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the past 36 years. Until being elected Sister President of her congregation, she has ministered in various aspects of health care, most recently as Chief Physician Assistant of Emergency Medicine at North Central Bronx Hospital, a small city hospital caring for the uninsured, recent immigrant, and Medicaid population. She served as a vocation minister for twelve years until her appointment to formation ministry. Her formal training in counseling has been instrumental in offering spiritual direction to and directing retreats and small-group faith communities with young adult populations.
Workshop fees include materials, speaker stipends, facility fees, all meals, and breaks. The workshop fee also includes overnight accommodations for 3 nights, arriving after 3:00 p.m. on July 22 and checking out by 9:00 a.m. on July 25. If you do not need overnight accommodations, please contact dinasp@nrvc.net
NRVC member: $700 Non-member: $900
Become an NRVC member here to save on workshop fees.
Registration is now open in our online store
All registrations received after June 30 incur a $100 late fee.
Cancellations for workshops must be received in writing to dinasp@nrvc.net before June 30 to receive a full refund minus a $100 processing fee. After June 30, all fees are non-refundable.
The Misericordia Scholarship Fund is available to assist NRVC members with their professional development. Scholarship funds can be applied to NRVC workshops; however, they do not cover the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals, or personal expenses. If you need financial assistance to attend an NRVC workshop, please apply here.
Please read our NRVC terms and conditions for all events and programs.
Workshops are designed from the NRVC curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies.
Please contact Sr. Dina Bato, S.P. at dinasp@nrvc.net.
This workshop provides vocation directors and those in leadership clarity to adequately assess a candidate’s ability to live celibacy within vowed communal life. Beginning with fundamental understandings that sexuality is integral to being human, centered in relationship and presence, participants will explore the following: well-being, an integrated understanding of sexuality, including sexual expression, the centrality of relationships and intimacy, the necessity of personal boundaries, and the impact of one's past, especially any experience of trauma, on one's ability to relate, be emotionally aware and expressive, and live a healthy sexual and celibate life. This workshop offers an opportunity to explore these fundamentals and an emerging understanding of some aspects of sexual diversity.
Please note that this 3.5-day workshop begins on July 26 at 9:00 a.m. and ends on July 29 at noon Central time. Overnight accommodations are included, with arrivals after 3 pm on July 25 and departures after lunch on July 29. If you cannot make flight arrangements until the following day you can leave on Tuesday before 9:00 am for an additional overnight fee.
This workshop will be held at our annual Summer Institute at the Marillac Center, in Leavenworth, KS. It is the home of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth. The nearest airport is Kansas City (MCI) and ground transportation is available through Lyft, Uber, and Super Shuttle. Workshop participation is limited to 23 participants.
Eucharistic Liturgy for workshop participants will be offered each day at 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel including Sunday Mass. Each workshop includes communal prayer.
Sister Lynn M. Levo, C.S.J., Ph.D. is a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and received her Ph.D. from the University of New York at Albany, completing her clinical training at The University of Kansas School of Medicine. She served 10 years as the Director of Education and Editor of Lukenotes at Saint Luke Institute, MD. Sr. Lynn is currently a consulting psychologist in private practice, offering consultations, presentations, and workshops both in the U.S. and abroad to those in leadership and those who accompany new members on various topics, including fostering healthy integrated sexuality, celibacy, relationships, intimacy, mutuality in community, and the importance of providing hospitality and safe environments for personal growth and development for all. Sr. Lynn is a HORIZON author and recipient of the NRVC Outstanding Recognition Award.
Workshop fees include materials, speaker stipends, facility fees, all meals, and breaks. The workshop fee also includes overnight accommodations for 4 nights, arriving after 3:00 p.m. on July 25 and checking out on July 29. If you need to stay overnight on July 29, you will need to purchase an Extra Overnight from our online store. If you do not need overnight accommodations, please contact dinasp@nrvc.net
NRVC member: $1,105 Non-member: $1,435
Become an NRVC member here to save on workshop fees.
Registration for this workshop is now open in our online store
All workshop registrations received after June 30 incur a $100 late fee.
Cancellations for workshops must be received in writing to dinasp@nrvc.net before June 30 to receive a full refund minus a $100 processing fee. After June 30, all fees are non-refundable.
The Misericordia Scholarship Fund is available to assist NRVC members with their professional development. Scholarship funds can be applied to NRVC workshops; however, they do not cover the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals, or personal expenses. If you need financial assistance to attend an NRVC workshop, please apply here.
Please read our NRVC terms and conditions for all events and programs.
“This workshop was excellent. Sister Lynn was full of wisdom as well as authentic. She was very knowledgeable and easy to understand with her explanations, stories, and examples. Her points were clear.”
--Sr. Kim Xuan Nguyen, CCVI“Every discerner I've encountered and accompanied, no matter how healthy, must address psycho-sexual matters to thrive in missionary and consecrated life. If Behavioral Assessment gives us the tools to know and understand our discerners better, ‘Psycho-Sexual Integration’ empowers us as vocation ministers with sound lived/academic/theological understandings during the discernment process to help our discerners to thrive, whatever life path they choose. If I had to single out one thing among so many, I suppose I would name ‘Twelve Opportunities for Intimacy’ -- a very enlightening overview that is useful for discerners who may assume that intimacy is just not possible without physical intimacy and/or exclusive friendships.”
-–Mr. Gregory Darr, representing Maryknoll Fathers and
Brothers; former Upper Midwest Member Area Coordinator“Sister Lynn had great notes to accompany all she said, thus making it very easy to follow. She used real-life examples to explain her points. She was compassionate and didn’t shy away from difficult topics. She knew her material well, yet she could break it down for us so we could all understand. She held our attention for three straight days - that alone is a feat!”
--Sr. Colleen Mattingly, A.S.C.J.“Sr. Lynn Levo was wonderful. She was engaging, knowledgeable, and made things understandable and practical. She was open both in her sharing and in responding to our questions and input. This workshop exceeded my expectations, which were pretty high entering it! Many people told me about Sr. Lynn and they were right on. It was informative and well-organized.”
--Fr. Joseph Narog, O.S.A.
Workshops are designed from the NRVC curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies.
Please contact Sr. Dina Bato, S.P. at dinasp@nrvc.net.
Registration for this workshop is now open in our online store
The General Secretariat of the Synod is encouraging further consultation ahead of October’s Second Session of the Synodal Assembly in Rome. This consultation was to be focused on the question: How can we be a synodal Church in mission? The objective of these new consultations was to identify the paths we can follow and the tools we might adopt in our different contexts and circumstances to enhance the unique contribution of each baptized person in the one mission of proclaiming the Risen Lord and his Gospel to the world today.
The National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) and the Religious Formation Conference (RFC) hosted a Synodal consultation on March 20 from 6:30-8:00 pm Central Time to explore together how we can contribute to the Church’s unfolding Synodal path. The consultation offered space for brief input, shared listening, and small group dialogues.
Given the nature of the session, it was not recorded. Notes from the session were collated and sent on to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops via Region XVI, National Catholic Organizations, and Groups.
For more information, reach out to Sister Debbie at debbiesscm@nrvc.net
A coast-to-coast Eucharistic Pilgrimage is planned for 2024 leading up to the National Eucharistic Congress. Four routes are planned through major cities across the United States. The pilgrims will start their journey in Brownsville on the Juan Diego Route, San Francisco on the Serra Route, Lake Itasca on the Marian Route, and New Haven on the Seton Route. Their travels will take them through parishes across the country to engage local communities in encounters with Our Lord.
Each pilgrimage route is expected to have 12 “perpetual pilgrims,” young adults, including two seminarians, committed to traveling the entire route, from their launch points to Indianapolis.
There will be kickoff events for the pilgrimages on Saturday, May 18th, 2024, in each of the four starting cities ahead of the celebration of Pentecost Sunday. The next morning, following Mass, there will be processions with local parishioners to start the pilgrims on their pilgrimage. They will then walk across the country until they reach Indianapolis for the Congress on July 16, 2024.
Vocation directors and members of their community can help in the following ways:
Learn more at the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage website or contact:
Through the generous invitation of the U.S.A. Council of Serra-International, the NRVC is invited to participate in the vocations exhibit area with 48 other organizations and religious institutes that support vocations.
At the 10th National Eucharistic Congress, our Catholic family will gather to experience profound, personal renewal through the power of Christ’s love. Like a new Pentecost, this transformation will flow out from Indianapolis to bring revival in our communities as the Church returns to her first love—the source and summit of our faith.
Every day at the Congress is designed to facilitate this life-changing encounter with Jesus, regardless of where you are on your faith journey. Attendees will select their preferred series of impact sessions for the morning and breakout sessions for the afternoon. Then, gathered together as one, the whole assembly will experience the powerful revival sessions in Lucas Oil Stadium each evening.
Exhibit spaces are sold out however you can purchase admission passes for the entire event or day passes. Full event passes for Clergy and Religious are $299, while a day pass varies from $40-125 depending on the day you attend. To order event passes, click here. If you are interested in volunteering, click here for more information.
The following NRVC member institutes will be promoting vocations at the National Eucharistic Congress:
If we forgot you, please let us know. For more information, please contact Sister Debbie at debbiesscm@nrvc.net
Catholic Sisters Week (CSW) invites all to celebrate women religious (Sisters and nuns) from March 8-14. CSW is an annual celebration that began in 2014 to honor women religious with a series of events that instruct, enlighten, and bring greater focus to the lives of these incredible women. It’s a chance to recognize this valuable vocation with the hope that more people will learn about women religious, and invite others to follow their example.
Visit the CSW website to learn about Catholic Sisters Week, post or find an event near you, and join in celebrating the vocation of Catholic Sisters. You can post your event for others to see here.
Additional Resources can be found through the numerous VISION Vocation Network articles, Global Sisters Report Resources, the Leadership Collaborative video series, A Nun's Life videos, and this great video from Pope Francis.
Additionally, the NRVC has published 77 videos centered on the theme of Abundant Hope. All can be accessed directly through the National Religious Vocation Conference YouTube Channel and shared publicly to amplify hope for religious life. One idea is to share one video a day on your social media platforms throughout Catholic Sisters Week or suggest a few videos to share in classrooms, on campuses, at Board meetings, and at parish events.
Host a book club throughout spring using Benedictine Sister Joan Chittister's highly acclaimed 64-page book entitled, What are you looking for? Seeking the God who is seeking you. Another 99-page book to consider using is Your One Wild and Precious Life written by Father Mark David Janus, C.S.P.
Donate books about your founder, community history, and Catholic sisters to college campus ministry houses, school libraries, Adoration Chapels, and parish centers.
There are over 500 religious institutes for women religious in the United States. Check out these links to learn more about cloistered nuns, missionary sisters, apostolic sisters, evangelical sisters, monastics, and sisters in societies of apostolic life. Choose to "like" their social media pages and keep updated on their mission, charism, and spirituality.
Invite coworkers, associates, students, and nones into a conversation using the NRVC Study and Reflection Guide, which features 8 topics with comments from newer entrants to religious life, reflection questions, and inspirational quotes.
Write a poem and encourage others to publicize your poetry! Here's a beautiful poem written by NRVC member, Sister Cathy K. Tshitenge, f.m.m. to share with others:
Who is a Catholic Sister?
She is a woman of faith, strength, courage, and vision.
A follower of Jesus and doer of the Word of God,
A daughter attentive to the cries of the poor, women, children, and migrants.
An advocate of keeping our planet and environment healthy and clean.
A person who prioritizes personal and communal prayer.
A voice for the voiceless and outcasts of society.
A fearless woman of hope and peace.
A caregiver, a listening ear, and a compassionate person towards the sick, children, and the aged.
Let us Celebrate our Catholic Sisters now and always…
"When I met our Sisters, I was not discerning, but I was very struck by how authentic they were, that they were each totally themselves, and they were really happy, and joyful, and normal, and so that was what drew me to our community."
"I saw the passion of our sisters who fight for social justice whether it be the unborn, or those at the border. And that passion for social justice is filled with compassion. Passion with a lot of compassion. That's what fires me; that is what keeps me here."
"I just attended the final profession Mass for four women. Every Sister from around the country came. After they took their final vows, they stood at the front of the Church. Every Sister in the Church got up and walked to them. It took over an hour just to do that. All I could think of is, "This is why I'm here." I didn't know ten people in the whole Church. I just knew I wanted to be part of that."
On this 62nd anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, also liturgically known as Good Shepherd Sunday, we are invited to pray for and promote all vocations. Initiated by Saint Paul VI during the Second Vatican Council in 1964, the purpose of this day is to help all of us respond to God's call and to support in prayer all those who are discerning how to best respond to the needs of today in the vocation God calls them to be.
Participating in parish life is a way individuals can discern their vocation and receive prayerful support from parishioners. Matter of fact, people in parishes are more likely to encourage someone to discern their vocation than their own family members! Consider connecting with parishes and asking for opportunities to share information and resources about religious vocations. Examples include:
Many parishes and religious institutes commemorate this day by praying for vocations and supporting vocation promotion events. Considering that 73 percent of women and men professing final vows participated in one or more parish activities and 88 percent served in one or more parish ministries before entering religious life, our presence and participation in activities that mark this special day are essential.
Of particular note, respondents to the 2020 NRVC/CARA Study of Recent Vocations to Religious Life reported that the day-to-day rhythm of communal prayer is paramount in community life. Below are the types of prayer preferred by newer entrants:
Prayer is essential in all of our lives, join a global effort in praying for vocations on May 11, 2025!
"I think it was the 80-year-old Brothers, the wisdom figures of the community that were always the first in the Chapel and the last at the dining room table. I would always try to get there before them and never could. They were always there and you could count on them."
"I've noticed in the last ten years that young people seem to have a deeper interest in spirituality and what is their purpose in life. I don't know what brings that change about, I don't know whether it is the Holy Spirit at work, which I'm assuming that it would be, but there does seem to be a different attitude."
"I find most rewarding is our truly deep desire to seek God together and what God is calling us to in this time and place. I also deeply appreciate our prayer that sustains us."
"The most rewarding aspect of religious life is our community living. In community, we pray, live, recreate, and minister together. Our cohesiveness and sense of identity as religious serving others as ministers of the Gospel is wonderful!"
Cultivate within our hearts, minds, and spirits--our very selves--the disposition to fully live out our vocations, which have been planted in our hearts through our baptism,
And grant us the grace to say yes to our call daily, irrespective of how we may feel from moment to moment.
Let us know that we can come to You as we are, wherever we are, and as we accompany those discerning Your call. Help us to hear and
Listen to Your voice amid the various voices vying for our attention so that we may take the right actions that lead to abundant life.
Ignite in us a hope-filled passion for service, using our gifts to bring your Reign to fruition today and always.
Never let us forget that all we have are indeed gifts from You and that we are called to
Give all we are and have in love and service to You in our sisters and brothers. Amen.
Please note: NRVC members can download these resources in the Member Toolbox as a benefit or purchase them through these links.
I Hope You Find prayer card in Spanish
Hearing God's Call: Thirty days of vocation discernment booklet
Listening to the Call prayer cards
Responsibilities of Members for Vocation Ministry Handout
VISION Vocation Network articles on prayer
Resources offered by the USCCB
Resources offered by Serra International
Rosary for Vocations with the Luminous Mysteries
In this sense, the World Day of Prayer for Vocations has a synodal character: amid the variety of our charisms, we are called to listen to one another and to journey together in order to acknowledge them and to discern where the Spirit is leading us for the benefit of all.
At this point in time, then, our common journey is bringing us to the Jubilee Year of 2025. Let us travel as pilgrims of hope towards the Holy Year, for by discovering our own vocation and its place amid the different gifts bestowed by the Spirit, we can become for our world messengers and witnesses of Jesus’ dream of a single human family, united in God’s love and in the bond of charity, cooperation and fraternity.
This is, in the end, the goal of every vocation: to become men and women of hope. As individuals and as communities, amid the variety of charisms and ministries, all of us are called to embody and communicate the Gospel message of hope in a world marked by epochal challenges.
2024 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message
2023 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message
2022 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message
2021 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message
2020 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message
2019 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message
2018 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message
2017 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.
2016 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.
2015 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.
2014 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.
2013 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.
2012 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.
2011 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.
2010 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.
2009 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.
2008 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Papal message.
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