2020 Study on Recent Vocations Archives

2020 Study on Recent Vocations Archives

Handout: Fifty Fun Facts

By Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration

Fifty Fun Facts 

Share these fun facts as elevator signs, dining-room-table tents, in newsletters, faith-formation classes, school and bulletin announcements, social-media posts, card inserts, and on meeting agendas to increase awareness of vocations to religious life. 

Order bulk copies in our online store.

Complete study and additional study resources.

GHR Foundation awards NRVC grant for follow-up vocation study

New Study on Recent Vocations to Religious Life to be published in Spring 2020


The NRVC National Office is currently working with CARA in reviewing a draft of the 2020 Study on Recent Vocations. Scheduled release is Spring 2020.

GHR Foundation awards NRVC grant for 2020 vocation study

The National Religious Vocation Conference announced November 8, 2018 that, thanks to a generous grant from the GHR Foundation, it will conduct a follow-up study to its groundbreaking 2009 Study on Recent Vocations to Religious Life, which set the benchmark for tracking vocation trends in the 21st century.

The primary objective of this new study, to be published in early 2020, is to provide an accurate picture of the current realities of religious life, outline updated best practices in inviting men and women to religious life, and project the potential impact of today’s trends on the future of religious life and on Catholic social services and ministries managed, directed, and sponsored by religious institutes.

With support and input from sociologists and collaborating organizations, NRVC is confident that the 2020 study will expand the body of knowledge on religious life, not only for the sake of consistent social science but for the purpose of providing NRVC members and all those who promote vocations with clarity on the demographics and characteristics of newer entrants to religious life, what attracts and sustains membership in religious life, and changing and emerging trends.

NRVC is grateful for the support of the GHR Foundation and the expertise of the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), which will conduct the study on NRVC’s behalf. The study research is expected to begin in early 2019 with the final report to be published on February 2, 2020, World Day for Consecrated Life. The NRVC board and staff strongly encourage all NRVC members to participate.

The goals of the 2020 study are:

• To gather data on newer members from 2003 to 2018 on what attracts and sustains membership in religious life in comparison to newer entrants from 1994-2009 in the 2009 NRVC/CARA study.

• To outline the challenges and opportunities for vocation ministers and religious leadership in inviting the next generation to religious life.

• To identify the trends and best practices for the Church in promoting vocations to religious life in the United States as identified by this study.

• To energize the baptismal call of all members of the Catholic Church to choose a life path that enables them to live holy and joyful lives by integrating the best practices of vocational discernment that will be highlighted in the study.

Like the 2009 study, the 2020 study will provide data-backed information about religious life, dispel myths and misconceptions, and offer a roadmap for religious institutes and the wider church on how to successfully invite young people to consider religious life, assist parishes and schools in promoting religious vocations, and enable religious institutes to continue to welcome new members and plan for the future. For more information, email Sr. Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. at debbiesscm@nrvc.net.

Sampling of newer entrants to religious life: Women

Study download | En Español
Study infographic | En Españnol
Study brochure

Photos and contact information for a sampling of newer entrants (more to come). Photo credit: Courtesy of [Religious Institute].

Media professionals, contact pjtuohy@nrvc.net for hi res images and video footage.

Women religious

Dominican Sisters, Adrian, MI

Center, Sister Katherine Frazier, O.P. at vows ceremony

Sr. Katherine Frazier OP


Details and contact:

Sister Katherine Frazier, O.P.
Profile in "Meet Dominicans"
Director of Mission Integration, Regina Dominican High School
Made first profession August 2018
From Fort Wayne, Indiana

Sister Marilín Llanes, O.P. right 

Additional photos available 

Details and contact:

Sister Marilín Llanes, O.P. 
Profile in "Meet Dominicans"
School Psychologist, Joliet, Illinois, School District
Made final vows August 2019
From La Habana, Cuba; grew up in Miami, FL area


Sister Xiomara Méndez-Hernández, O.P. 

Video and Additional photos available 

Details and contact:

Sister Xiomara Méndez-Hernández, O.P. 
Profile of Sister Xiomara in "Meet Dominican"
Profile of Sister Xiomara in VISION
Hospital Chaplain, Loyola University Medical Center
Made final vows December 2017
From Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic


Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration

Novice Elizabeth Wavra (center) is preparing for religious life and is the youngest member of the Clyde, Missouri community of the  Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.

Sister Maria Victoria Cutaia, O.S.B. 

Details and contact:

Kelley Baldwin, Director of Communications
Facebook and Twitter
Sister Maria Victoria profile in VISION


Dominican Sisters of Peace

Details and contact:

Dee Holleran
Manager, Public Relations and Communications
Dominican Sisters of Peace
Video montage of these sisters available


Sister Ana Gonzalez, O.P., left, made First Profession in 2018, and is shown here during that ceremony with Prioress Pat Twohill.

Details and contact:

Sister Ana Gonzalez, O.P.
Coordinator of International Admissions
at Albertus Magnus College in New Haven, CT.


Sister Annie Killian, O.P.

Details and contact:

Sister Annie Killian, O.P.
Associate Professor of English at Ohio Dominican University
Entered the Dominican Sisters of Peace as a candidate in July 2019
Received her Ph.D. from Yale

Sister Bea Tiboldi, O.P., right

Details and contact:

Sister Bea Tiboldi, O.P. 
Vocation Outreach Minister
Lives in the Congregation’s House of Welcome, Columbus, OH
Made her final vows in April, 2019


Sister Ellen Coates, O.P., left

Details and contact:

 Sister Ellen Coates, O.P.
Entered the Collaborative Dominican Novitiate in the fall of 2019.

Sister Margaret Uche, O.P., left, is shown here during her initial vows ceremony in 2018 with Prioress Sister Pat Twohill, O.P.

Details and contact:

Sister Margaret Uche, O.P.
Professed her Initial Vows in 2018.
She is currently ministering in health care in New Orleans, LA.

Sister Vuong Vu, O.P. is shown here as she is welcomed to the Novitiate in 2018 by Prioress Sister Pat Twohill, O.P.

Details and contact:

Sister Phuong Vu, O.P.
Currently in the second year of her novitiate
Ministering as a guidance assistant at St. Mary’s Dominican High School


Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration

Sister Michele Pettit, F.S.P.A.

Details and contact:

Contact  Jane Comeau, communications director jcomeau@fspa.org

Sister Michele Pettit, F.S.P.A.
Living and ministering at FSPA novitiate in Chicago 
Native of Edina, Missouri
Joined FSPA in 2017.
Holds a doctorate in health education from Southern Illinois University
Master’s degree in public health from the University of Illinois
Bachelor’s degree in health science from Truman State University 


Sister Laura Nettles, F.S.P.A.

Details and contact:

Sister Laura Nettles, F.S.P.A. 
professed final vows with FSPA in 2013.
urrently serves as an assistant professor in religious studies at Viterbo University
Holds M.A. from both St. Bonaventure University, St. Bonaventure, New York
and the Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, Illinois.
Earned a B.A. in music education from the University of Wyoming
Show me a sign video: Sister Laura, “How do I navigate the changing role of daughter?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPy7KGwzDrc


Sister Sarah Hennessey, F.S.P.A.

Details and contact:

Sister Sarah Hennessey, F.S.P.A.
Professed final vows in 2011
Ministers as a spiritual director at Franciscan Spirituality Center in La Crosse, WI
Sister Sarah Hennessey Videos: Called: Sister Sarah discerns the religious habit
Show me a sign: Sister Sarah, “What if my family isn’t Catholic?”


Sister Meg Earsley, F.S.P.A.

Details and contact:

Sister Meg Earsley, F.S.P.A.
Entered novitiate in 2019
Resides in Chicago as she enters more fully into the FSPA novitiate program
Lived as an FSPA associate in La Crosse, Wisconsin, and ministered at St. Rose Convent in the liturgy office
Earned a diploma in interior design from the Waukesha Area Technical College,
Prior to entrance, served as a software director of training and support and as director of engagement services at Pethealth Inc., a company focused on assisting animal welfare organizations with their software needs.


Sister Laurie Sullivan, F.S.P.A.

Details and contact:

Sister Laurie Sullivan, F.S.P.A.
Entered FSPA in 2011
Made her first profession in 2014
Lives and ministers in La Crosse, Wisconsin
Serves as a finance assistant for Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse. Prior to joining FSPA, attended Lake Superior State College in Sault Ste. Marie Was an active member in St. Joseph Parish, Perkins, Michigan
Holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration


IHM Sisters of Scranton, PA


Fran Fasolka, IHM
Director of Communications
IHM Congregation
2300 Adams Avenue
Scranton, PA 18509


Sister Liz McGill, I.H.M. (center)


Sister Liz McGill, I.H.M. 
Profile of Sister Liz on IHM website


Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto (Ontario, Canada)

Details and contact:

Lisa Tabachnick
Director of Communications
Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto
101 Thorncliffe Park Drive
Toronto, ON M4H 1M2
W: www.csj-to.ca | E: ltabachnick@csj-to.ca


Sister Kristine Fernandes, C.S.J.

Details and contact:

Sister Kristine Fernandes, C.S.J. 
Ministers with Fontbonne Ministries
Kristine first met the Sisters at a Faith Connections (Fontbonne Ministries) event Professed her vows on May 1, 2019
Master’s degree in Commerce from Mumbai University
Studying theology at Regis College, Toronto.
Worked on the business operrations side of the media industry
Long-time volunteerwith the differently-abled, people


Dominican Sisters Sinsinawa, WI

Sister Christin Tomy, O.P.

Details and contact:

Sinsinawa, WI
Temporary professed
Currently ministers as Care for Creation Coordinator
Lives in community with four other sisters
Native of Iowa, and I spent time in Latin America prior to entering the community
video on greenhouse from spring 2019



Sister Quincy Howard, O.P.


Sister Quincy Howard, O.P.
Temporary professed entered in 2014
Ministers in Washington, DC.
Advocates for Catholic Social Justice
Volunteers at the Father McKenna Center
Part of the Nuns & Nones initiative in Washington, DC. 
Lives in community with a diverse group of religious and laypeope
Recent article in Global Sisters Report

Sister Nicole Reich, O.P.

Details and contact:

Sr. Nicole Reich O.P., BCC
2011 Jefferson St. 
Madison, WI 53711

Third year of temporary profession
Board certified chaplain ministering as a Spiritual Care Coordinator for Heartland Hospice in Madison, WI.
Lives in community with two Sinsinawans and one of our sisters from Vietnam
Sing with parishes Sunday choir and sacred music schola. 


Sister Kathy Flynn, O.P.

Details and contact:

Sister Kathy Flynn, O.P.
Attends Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) training through Aurora Health System
Ministers as Spiritual and Emotional Care Intern at Sojourner Family Peace Center/Sojourner Truth House, Milwaukee.
Accepted into an extended internship CPE program through Aurora Health System.


Sisters of Providence, St. Mary-of-the-Woods, IN 


Amy Miranda
Publication Manager/Marketing Associate
Mission Advancement
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods


Sister Corbin Hannah, S.P.

Details and contact:

Email: channah@spsmw.org
Sister Corbin Hannah, S.P. entered the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, in 2009 at age 25. Today she ministers with homeless young adults at Safe Place Services day shelter in Louisville, Kentucky. Sister Corbin is currently in her final year of formation, called tertian year, preparing to make her final vows as a Sister of Providence in the summer of 2020.
​Video footage available for all except Sister Corbin Hannah


Sister Emily TeKolste, S.P.


Details and contact:

Email: etekolste@spsmw.org
Sister Emily TeKolste, S.P., entered the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, in 2016 at age 28. Sister Emily professed her first vows as a Sister of Providence in June 2019. Sister Emily currently ministers as a community organizer with NETWORK, a Catholic social justice lobby in Washington, D.C., where she lives in community with two other Sisters of Providence. 
Video footage available and candid shots


Sister Jessica Vitente, S.P.

Details and contact:

Email: jvitente@spsmw.org
Sister Jessica Vitente, S.P., entered in the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, in 2018 at age 34. Originally from Ponoma, California, Sister Jessica is currently a canonical novice with the Sisters of Providence. She is participating in an intercommunity novitiate program with more than 20 communities of women and men religious from all over the world.
Video footage available and additional candids



Sister (and Dr.) Arrianne Whittaker, S.P.


Details and contact:

Sister Arrianne Whittaker, S.P.,
Temporarily professed; entered in 2012
Graduated from medical school in May 2019
Currently ministers as a resident doctor at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Indianapolis.
Email: awhittaker@spsmw.org


Additional photos available for the following women’s communities

Patrice Tuohy

Benedictine Sisters, Beech Grove, IN

Carmelite Sisters, Baltimore, MD

Religious of the Assumption

Felician Sisters of North America


U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops
images and short quotes of religious men and women

Giving Voice (sisters under age 50)

Sampling of newer entrants to religious life: Men

Study download | En Español
Study infographic | En Españnol
Study brochure

Photos and contact information for a sampling of newer entrants (more to come). Photo credit: Courtesy of [Religious Institute].

Media professionals, contact pjtuohy@nrvc.net for hi res images and video footage.


Men religious

Marist Brothers

Brother Luis Ramos, F.M.S.
Contact: luisrfms7@gmail.com
Profile in VISION Vocation Guide
Profile in Today's Marist Brother
Website of Marist Brothers


Conventual Franciscans

Postulant Wayne Mulei
Posting about his vocation
Website of Conventual Franciscans
Contact list for Conventual Franciscans










Salesians of Don Bosco

Francis Nguyen
Profile of Francis Nguyen on Salesians.org
Website for the Salesians of Don Bosco
Contact: Father Chinh Nguyen, S.D.B. chinniesdb@gmail.com


Brothers of the Sacred Heart

Website for Brothers of the Sacred Heart
Contact : pomontero@yahoo.com
Website of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart


Claretian Missionaries

Contact:  Father Byron Macias, C.M.F. called@myclaret.org
Website of the Claretian Missionaries
Father Javier Reyes, C.M.F. with a candidate considering religious life.


Congregation of Holy Cross

Contact: Father John DeRiso, C.S.C.
Website of the Congregation of Holy Cross
Website of the Holy Cross Brothers

Top photo: Father Tim Mouton, C.S.C.
Middle photo: Father Pat Reidy, C.S.C. giving a blessing to Father Jim King, C.S.C.
Bottom photo: The community celebrates Mass.





Congregation of St. Basil

Contact: Father Paul English, penglish@basilian.org
Website of the Basilian Fathers, Congregation of St. Basil



Brothers of the Christian Schools, De La Salle Christian Brothers

Top photo: Brother Mark Engelmeyer, F.S.C.
Profile by BrothersVocation.org

Bottom photo: Brother Rafael Rodriguez
Video by Brothers of the Christian Schools

Website for Brothers of the Christian Schools
Contact: Brother Chris Patiño, F.S.C. brochrisfsc@gmail.com



Franciscan Friars, Conventual

Website of the Franciscan Friars, Conventual
Contact: Friar John Bamman, O.F.M. Conv. franvoc@aol.com



Augustinian Friars

Website of the Augustinian Friars
Contact Friar Richie Mercado, O.S.F. richiemosa@gmail.com



Benedictine Monks, Saint Meinrad Archabbey, St. Meinrad, IN

Contact: Brother Zachary Wilberding, O.S.B. vocations@saintmeinrad.edu
Website of Benedictine Monks of Saint Meinrad Archabbey






U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops
images and short quotes of religious men and women


Press Release: 2020 Study on U.S. Catholic Religious Vocations reveals steady entrance since 2003




2020 Study on U.S. Catholic Religious Vocations reveals steady entrance since 2003

New entrants are ethnically diverse, embrace intercultural and intergenerational living, desire prayer, communal living, and solidarity with the poor, and express abundant hope

Study surveyed 3,500 sisters, nuns, brothers, and priests who entered religious life since 2003


Chicago, March 25, 2020—Young women and men continue to enter religious life at a steady rate and approximately 200 per year make final vows.

The 2020 Study on Recent Vocations to Religious Life was conducted by the Center for  Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), a Georgetown University-based research center, on behalf of the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC), a professional association of religious vocation directors, based in Chicago.

The study, a follow-up to the NRVC’s landmark 2009 Study on Recent Vocations to Religious Life, captures trends and new data about those who have entered religious life from 2003-2018.  It was made possible by a grant from the GHR Foundation.

Sister of Saints Cyril and Methodius Deborah Borneman, NRVC director for mission integration, is encouraged by the study findings. “Though fully aware of the challenges they face, new entrants are hopeful because they recognize their own role in creating a future,” she said. “The church and the wider Catholic community may confidently support the choice to enter religious life and continue to invite women and men to consider this unique vocation.”

Diversity remains the hallmark of new entrants

The total number of new members is likely higher than the 3,500 surveyed, as some religious institutes did not participate. The study’s findings, which did not include diocesan priests, show continued diversity in ethnicity and experiences among new members in the past decade:

  • 13 percent are Hispanic; 10 percent Asian or Pacific Islander;
    6 percent African/African American, and 1 percent diverse ethnicities
  • 7 percent speak Spanish as a first language; 5 percent, Vietnamese; 12 percent, one of at least 50 languages
  • 24 percent were born outside the U.S. (coming from 68 countries)
  • 71 percent enter with a bachelor’s degree and 81 percent held jobs before entrance
  • 73 percent attended Catholic schools for at least part of their education
  • 85 percent considered religious life before age 25; 28 is the average age at entrance

Continuing sense of call

Nearly identical to the 2009 Study, new members are drawn to religious life by a desire for prayer, spiritual growth, deeper relationship with God. They also describe feeling a “sense of call,” and a desire to be of service and part of a community. Personal private prayer, daily Eucharist, scriptural/spiritual reading, and other daily prayer practices and devotions are rated important by more than 80 percent of newer members.

Beyond the spirituality of their religious institute, the most significant draw for new members to a particular institute is: charism (spirit), mission, prayer life, community life, and the example of members. Among respondents of diverse ethnicities, the founder, ministries, cultural diversity, and sense of welcome of the institute are very important.

Invitation and welcome

The majority of recent entrants were invited by someone—a parish priest, member of a religious community, a teacher, a friend—to consider religious life and discern a vocation. They learned about their religious institute in diverse ways, including attending a school run by the institute, an internet search, a friend or relative in the institute, or print and online resources.

Among the religious institutes surveyed:

  • 88 percent accept new members (60 percent have at least one new entrant)
  • 75 percent have a vocation director/vocation team
  • 60 percent sponsor “Come and See” experiences (74 percent of new entrants participate in these opportunities to experience community life)

Realistic and hope-filled

New members acknowledge the challenges of the changing demographics within their institutes; yet they remain optimistic. As one new member put it, “These are exciting times to be a religious! My greatest hope is that we respond to the needs of God’s people by thinking outside the box of what has been to what could be.” Another stated, “I hope we continue to invite others to join us and dream of new ways to minister to the poor and marginalized.”

Download 2020 Study on Recent Vocations.
En Español

News coverage

US vocation conference study finds diversity growing, dedication to Gospel values strong, by Dan Stockman, Global Sisters Report

The National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) was founded in 1988 as a professional organization of men and women committed to vocation awareness, invitation, and discernment to consecrated life as brothers, sisters, and priests. The NRVC serves its nearly 1,000 members by providing continuing education, resources, and services for professional growth.


The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) is a national, nonprofit, Georgetown University-affiliated research center that conducts social scientific studies about the Catholic Church.


GHR Foundation applies entrepreneurial creativity and universal Catholic values in the areas of health, education, and global development. Started in 1965 by Opus founders Gerald A. and Henrietta Rauenhorst, the Foundation seeks transformational change, and partners with the world’s experts to achieve impact.

NRVC collaborators show support for 2020 study

Representatives gathered at a convening in Buffalo prior to the start of the NRVC Convocation

Representatives of nine national organizations recently gave input on the forthcoming NRVC study of new vocations. Left to right are: Sister Annmarie Sanders, I.H.M. with LCWR; Sister Mary Bendyna, O.P. with CMSWR; Sister Elizabeth Ann Guerrero, M.C.D.P. with Mexican American Catholic College; Sister Ellen Dauwer, S.C. with Religious Formation Conference; Sister Maxine Kollasch, I.H.M. with A Nun's Life Ministry; Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. with NRVC; Stephanie Hall with Communicators for Women Religious; Sister Jessie Beck, P.B.V.M. with Giving Voice; Father Thomas Gaunt, S.J. with CARA; Father John Pavlik, O.F.M. Cap. with CMSM; Brother Bill Boslett, O.S.F. with Religious Brothers Conference; and Sister Maria Hughes, A.S.C., facilitator. 

NRVC hosts national convening to prepare for study

Several collaborating national organizations were invited to provide professional insights and recommend questions for the new NRVC/CARA Study of Recent Trends in Newer Vocations to Religious Life.  Representatives gathered at a convening in Buffalo prior to the start of the NRVC Convocation. The gathering was facilitated by Sr. Maria Hughes, ASC. At this convening, participants showed support for NRVC's forthcoming study of newer members. 

These national organizations included representatives from:

A Nun's Life Ministry

Association of Latin American Missionary Sisters/Asociación de Hermanas Latinas Misioneras en America (AHLMA)

Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate

Communicators for Women Religious

I felt that it was a significant acknowledgement of the value of our roles as communicators that we were invited to have a seat at the table for these valuable discussions. We know the importance of communications in promoting the Gospel work of Catholic Sisters, religious life and in attracting vocations. Congrats to NRVC for its recognition of that. A lot has changed on the communications and technology front since the last survey was done. It is critically important that the communications function and its implications on religious life not be overlooked.

Many thanks to NRVC, CARA and the GHR Foundation for advancing this important piece of research that will surely benefit us all as we move into the future. I am grateful to have been part of this process and honored to have represented CWR and our members.

Stephanie Hall, CWR Board member

Read the article from the Communicators for Women Religious in their  January newsletter that shows support for the study.

Conference of Major Superiors of Men

Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious

Giving Voice

“It’s important to have update to date information about the people who are joining religious life today. The needs of our world are complex and ever-growing. New members are coming with increasingly diverse backgrounds and experiences to meet these needs. I believe this is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It’s crucial for communities to seek out and welcome this diversity as gift. It’s equally important for discerners and potential new members to know where their gifts and experiences are needed and will be welcomed. I strongly encourage all new members to complete the survey and to ask your community leadership to do the same.’

Sr. Jessi Beck, PBVM, Giving Voice Core Team

Read the article in their March 2019 newsletter here.

Leadership Conference for Women Religious

Mexican American Catholic College

“It was an honor to represent MACC at the Convening and Convocation. The mission of the Mexican American Catholic College is to empower and educate leaders for service in a culturally diverse church and society. Thus, it is an opportune moment for MACC to take part in this Convening and assist NRVC in this study which will identify the changes and indicators of
religious life in the 21 st century. We are called to recognize the sign of our times and respond in ways that help us navigate the contours of this changing reality.

It is important to include the voices of diversity, a range of experiences, and cultures. I believe these will strengthen competencies and assist institutions in developing long-term plans to address the needs of their existing and new members. I hope the results of the study helps religious institutes who are intentionally responding to the opportunities and challenges of growing cultural and generational diversity in their communities.”

Sr. Elizabeth Ann Guerrero, MCDP, Faculty, Mexican American Catholic College

Read the article from the Mexican American Cultural Center in their  newsletter that shows support for the study.

Religious Brothers Conference

The Religious Brothers Conference was grateful to be part of the national convening in November.  The Religious Brothers Conference has as one of its goals “to promote the Vocation of the Religious Brother.”

Being part of the conversation with other national organizations was a wonderful opportunity to promote the Vocation of Religious Brothers and to contribute to the study of Religious Life in the United States.

The Religious Brothers Conference hopes that this CARA survey will be helpful to all as we move into the future together.

Brother Bill Boslet, OSF, Executive Secretary, Religious Brothers Conference

Religious Formation Conference

We are pleased to support this new research effort by the National Religious Vocation Conference in conjunction with CARA.

RFC Facebook post 2.27.2019

Read the article on the website of the Religious Formation Conference encouraging leaders and newer members to complete the survery.

Every religious superior will be sent a two page questionairre in February. Newer members who entered between 2003 - 2018 will be sent a survey in April. 



Webinar 1 | Fundamentals from call to charism to community living

Sept. 30, 2021 | 8 p.m. Eastern

Webinar video


Thank you to the discerners and vocation directors who tuned in on September 30, 2021 at 8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT/ 6 p.m. MT/ 5 p.m. PT to gain insight on religious life today.

Watch now on demand: The hour-long format is simple, four outstanding speakers will share their insights and then welcome questions from participants. 


We appreciate your help promoting the event!

Featured Panelists

Sr. Julie Vieira, I.H.M.Sr. Julie Vieira, I.H.M.
Basic steps in discerning God's call



Sr. Katia Chavez, S.J.S.Sr. Katia Chavez, S.J.S. 
Different forms of consecrated life (e.g., apostolic, monastic, cloistered/contemplative; missionary)



Fr. Luis Romero, C.M.Fr. Luis Romero, C.M.
Community living as an essential part of religious life



Br. Kyle Mena, F.S.C.Br. Kyle Mena, F.S.C.
Charisms and ministries of men and women in religious life


More about the Six-Part Series

Find more information about the entire six-part series "Religious Life Today: Learn it! Love it! Live it!" here.

Webinar 2 | Using all avenues to support vocation ministry

Nov. 17, 2021 | 7 p.m. Central

Webinar Video

Primary audience: VOCATION DIRECTORS. All are welcome.

Seasoned vocation directors share their ideas and insights on effective strategies and programs for outreach and engagement with young people.

Perfect for veteran vocation directors looking to rekindle the fire and novices to prime the pump!

Join us on Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021 at 8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT/ 6 p.m. MT/ 5 p.m. PT to explore all avenues to support vocation ministry. We'll hear from seasoned vocation directors on effective programs and strategies and share ideas among participants.

The hour-long format is simple, two outstanding speakers will share their insights and then welcome questions from participants. 

The webinar is free, but you must register to participate or to receive an on-demand link following the session. 



Sr. Donna Del Santo SSJSister Donna Del Santo, S.S.J. on best practices and program ideas for reaching college age and young adults.






Fr. Tom McCarthy OSAFather Tom McCarthy, O.S.A. on best practices and program ideas for reaching teens and young adults at parishes and high schools working in collaboration with DREs and campus ministers.



More about the Six-Part Series

Find more information about the entire six-part series "Religious Life Today: Learn it! Love it! Live it!" here.

Webinar 3 | Creating a collaborative environment

Jan. 13, 2022 | 7 p.m. Central

Webinar video

Primary audience: VOCATION DIRECTORS: Diocesan and Religious Institute | VOCATION TEAMS.  All are welcome.

Diocesan vocation ministers will explore proven strategies for collaboration among dioceses, parishes, and religious institutes.

Ideal for those in diocesan vocation offices, on parish vocation teams, or in religious institute vocation ministry. Gain new insights and confirm ideas already in the works!

Join us on Thursday, Jan. 13, 2022 at 8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT/ 6 p.m. MT/ 5 p.m. PT

The hour-long format is simple, two outstanding speakers will share their insights and then our panelists will welcome questions from participants. 

The webinar is free, but you must register to participate or to receive an on-demand link following the session. 


Presenters & Panelists

Bishop Gary JanakBishop Gary Janak, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, on collaboration required of a synodal church.



Sr. Ana Cecilia Montalvo, F.Sp.S.Sister Ana Cecilia Montalvo, F.Sp.S., Assistant Vocation Director, Archdiocese of San Antonio, on collaboration among diverse entitities, including diocesan vocation offices, parishes, youth ministries, and cultural groups.



Ana BojorquezAna Bojorquez, Administrative Assistant for Vocations, Archdiocese of San Antonio, will represent the Archdiocese during the webinar's live question and answer sesssion.



Fr. Guillermo HernandezFr. Guillermo Hernandez, Director of Vocations, Diocese of Sacramento, on promoting vocations in collaboration with religious institutes, parishes, and schools and other groups.




More about the Six-Part Series

Find more information about the entire six-part series "Religious Life Today: Learn it! Love it! Live it!" here.

Webinar 4 | Wellsprings of support for vocations

March 3, 2022 | 7 p.m. Central


A Catholic college campus minister and diocesan young adult minister outline ways their work supports those discerning God’s call and helps promote religious vocations.

An ideal webinar not only for those discerning religious life, but for those in Catholic campus ministry, youth and young adult ministry, vocation offices, and on parish vocation team. Gain new insights and strategies and confirm the good work you are already doing! 

Join us on Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT/ 6 p.m. MT/ 5 p.m. PT

The hour-long format is simple, two outstanding speakers will share their insights and then our panelists will welcome questions from participants. 

The webinar is free, but you must register to participate or to receive an on-demand link following the session. 

Webinar VIDEO


Presenters & Panelists

Sr. Sue Kidd, C.N.D.Sister Susan Kidd, C.N.D.
Campus Minister, Prince Edward Island University. Former NRVC Board Member.



Craig GouldCraig Gould
Director of Family, Youth, and Young Adult Ministry, Institute for Evangelization, Archdiocese of Baltimore    




Webinar VIDEO


More about the Six-Part Series

Find more information about the entire six-part series "Religious Life Today: Learn it! Love it! Live it!" here.

Webinar 5 Addressing parental concerns: wisdom and advice

April 21, 2022 | 7 p.m. Central


Young religious and the parents of young religious provide insights into the ways parents experience their child’s call to religious life.

An ideal webinar not only for those discerning religious life, but for those in parish youth and young adult groups, family life ministry, Catholic campus ministry, and vocation ministry. Honest and heartfelt stories shared, and simple wisdom offered. A don’t-miss event! 

Join us on Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT/ 6 p.m. MT/ 5 p.m. PT

The hour-long format is simple, four speakers will share their insights and then our panelists will welcome questions from participants. 

The webinar is free, but you must register to participate or to receive an on-demand link following the session. 



Presenters & Panelists

Br. Luis Ramos, F.M.S. with familyMarist Brother Luis Ramos, F.M.S.
Pictured with parents and sister. 




Sr. Grace Marie Del Priore CSSF with momFelician Sister Grace Marie Del Priore, C.S.S.F.
Pictured with her mother and sister.




Lori Williams with parentsLori Williams 
Pictured with her husband and their daughter Mercy Sister Kelly Williams, R.S.M. 



Kevin Cummings with son Fr. Evan and wife KitKevin Cummings
Pictured with his wife, Kit, and their son Paulist Father Evan Cummings, C.S.P.





More about the Six-Part Series

Find more information about the entire six-part series "Religious Life Today: Learn it! Love it! Live it!" here.

Webinar 6 Call to Religious Life: Newer Entrants' Stories

June 2, 2022 | 7 p.m. Central

Primary audience: ALL SUPPORTERS OF MEN & WOMEN IN CONSECRATED LIFE.  All are welcome.

Newer entrants to religious life share what attracted them to religious life, how they chose their community, and what has surprised and delighted them so far.

The capstone to our six-part series is an ideal webinar not only for those discerning religious life, but for all who encourage and support religious vocations and anyone curious about contemporary Catholic sisters, brothers, priests, and nuns and religious life today!

Join us on Thursday, June 2, 2022 at 8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT/ 6 p.m. MT/ 5 p.m. PT

The hour-long format is simple, five speakers will share their insights and then welcome questions from participants. 

The webinar is free, but you must register to participate or to receive an on-demand link following the session. 

Webinar VIDEO


Presenters & Panelists

Sr. Cecilia Ashton, O.C.D.Sister Cecilia Ashton, O.C.D.
Carmelite Nuns of Baltimore




Nate Tinner-Williams, seminarian with the Josephites. Pictured with parents and sister. Nate Tinner-Williams, pre-novitiate candidate
Society of St. Joseph (Josephites)




Sr. Limétèze Pierre-Gilles, S.S.N.D.     Sister Limétèze Pierre-Gilles, S.S.N.D.    
School Sisters of Notre Dame




Br. Rafael Vargas, S.B.D.Brother Rafael Vargas, S.D.B. 
Salesians of Don Bosco 




Sr. Thanh Pham, S.S.M.O.Sister Thanh Pham, S.S.M.O.
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon



Webinar VIDEO


More about the Six-Part Series

Find more information about the entire six-part series "Religious Life Today: Learn it! Love it! Live it!" here.

HORIZON Spring 2024 ...
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Annual Ordination Class Report ...
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NRVC Member Areas

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National Office Closed

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Memorial Day National Holiday

Member Area Gathering - West Coast

June 18,

via Zoom

National Office Closed

June 19,

Juneteenth National Holiday

Member Area Gathering - Delaware Valley

June 22,

Huntington Valley, PA

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors

July 10-14, 2024,

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Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry Workshop

July 16-17, 2024,

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Behavioral Assessment 1 workshop

July 19-21, 2024,

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Health and Wellness in Candidate Assessment Workshop

July 23-24, 2024,

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Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding Workshop

July 26-29, 2024,

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Oct. 31 - Nov, 4,

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