2015 NCYC

2015 NCYC

NRVC members representing 55 Religious Institutes participated in 2015 NCYC as exhibitors, vocation team members, and animator mentors.

The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is a biennial conference sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM). NCYC took place November 19-21, 2015, as a high-energy experience of prayer, community, and keynote speakers for over 24,000 teens, parents, and youth ministers from around the country.  The 2015 NCYC theme was Here I Am Lord/Aqui Estoy Senor.  It is the single largest gathering of Catholic teens in the United States.

In 2015, vocation ministers promoted vocations to religious life as exhibitors, vocation teams, story tellers, and mentors for the animators. To commemorate the Year of Consecrated Life, fourteen religious institutes taught their spirituality and prayed together in the Chapel.  Brother Ronnie Hingle, SC, NRVC board chair, and Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. presented a workshop on Discernment with a panel of NRVC members. 

NRVC Religious Institutes at 2015 NCYC

Adorers of the Blood of Christ              

The youth bringing their rocks to create the altar gave me great hope for them and the many ways they will re-build our Church. The energy was contagious. Clearly we are all searching together, but we share a common faith and hope.  I participated in the Chapel Prayer when the Precious Blood congregations led the prayer.  It was a good experience. Looking forward to 2017! Sister Barbara Jean Franklin, ASC                                           

Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Interacting with young people and Vocation Directors in the “Nook” was a vital and vibrant part of my experience.  Not only did I enjoy the faith and openness of the youth, but the creative, selfless and joyful outreach of the vocation directors was inspiring. I found the NCYC experience energizing.  Sister Maureen Martin, ASCJ

Benedictine Monks, Mount Michael Abbey

Benedictine Monks, Saint Meinrad Archabbey               

Benedictine Sisters, Bismarck         

As a mentor to the animators, the small groups were good for getting to know the teens. Also, the prayer services that we planned turned out really nice and it was great to have the teens lead and/or participate in them. The July training was really helpful! It was nice to get to know who the teens were, get introduced to a basic idea of the stage program, and good to get to know one another as mentors.  In November, Abbey was really great in terms of making sure we as mentors generally knew what was going on and what our role as mentors was. Sister Hannah Vanorny, OSB                                  

Benedictine Sisters, Chicago    

As a mentor to the animators,  this was an exhausting week, but it was also an amazing week.  I spent a lot of time thinking about the program ahead of time, so I think all of that helped me prepare. I was impressed by the animators, not just onstage, but offstage as well.  I heard so many good things from the stadium staff as well.  Abbey was wonderful, as was all of the NFCYM staff.  Sister Belinda Monahan, O.S.B.  

Benedictine Sisters of Mount Scholastica                                              

Benedictine Sisters of Our Lady of Grace Monastery  

My most vivid memories are some of the short but meaningful interactions I had with the youth. I found working in the theme park gave me the best opportunities to interact. Also, just walking in the hallways, offering buttons and beginning conversation. Sister Julie Sewell, OSB      

 I vividly recall the creativity of the places in the thematic park where I volunteered and the joy of the teens. Volunteering on the vocation team gave me lots of time and opportunities for engagement.  We brought buttons and handed them out in the park as we met teens. This was very interactive for me. Sister Kathleen Yeadon, O.S.B.           

 I have been both exhibitor and vocation team member for a number of years. Being an exhibitor I had to be at the both for the full conference that was a big commitment and prevented me from attending workshops and other activities. I liked having the freedom to serve throughout the conference as a volunteer, participate in the Nook and just be present to meet up with students at workshops. Sr. Cathy Bauer, OSB

Benedictine Sisters of St. Mary Monastery                                                          

Brothers of the Sacred Heart              

As a mentor to the animators, I would like to do it again. Several students on their own asked some of us about religious life.  Some admitted it was in their mind, so having men and women religious as mentors, they realized we are ordinary humans. It was not burdensome. We checked with each other to take breaks. Dividing up kids into groups of 10 with 2 mentors worked well. Brother Michael Migacz,  S.C.                         

Carmelite Friars                                                                                                          

Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirmed                                                         

Congregation of Holy Cross                                                                                    

Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament                                                               

Conventual Franciscans                                                                                            

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent                                                                        

Dominican Friars, St. Albert the Great    

As a mentor to the animators, our focus on the spiritual aspects of this event helped keep the animators grounded in why they are participating in NCYC.  This was the first time NRVC members were mentors, so overall I think it went well and we were pretty open to going with the flow and allowing things to happen. Father Andy McAlpin, OP       

Dominican Sisters of Peace 

There are three vivid memories I have of NCYC:  1. The morning events in the Lucas Oil Stadium:  I was so impressed with the students. 2. Participating in the Prayer Corner the first morning:  I visited with folks as they exited the experience and listened to their evaluation of the Prayer Corner, all very positive. 3. Visiting with a young woman from Colorado in the Prayer Grotto, who asked me about discernment of vocation. Sister Terry Wasinger, OP

Dominican Sisters, Springfield              

I actually spent more time in the thematic park than I had originally volunteered for because my experience was good – helped with games on Thursday and participated in CRS Helping Hands Service Project on both Friday and Saturday. I would be interested in participating as vocation team volunteer rather than being an exhibitor.  I believe that you have more freedom to interact with more participants and are able to see and be part of other areas of the conference. Sister M. Loyola Miller, OP   

I enjoyed my time in the Nook with the students and with the other Vocation Directors! I think we gave witness to the young people by our joyfulness, our laughter and our interactions with one another. It exceeded all of my expectations! Sister Teresa Marron, O.P.

Felician Sisters of North America                                                            

Ferdinand Benedictines, Monastery of Immaculate Conception                     

Franciscan Friars Saint John the Baptist John the Baptist Province               

Franciscan Sisters of the Poor                                                                              

Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart                                                                  

Glenmary Home Missioners                                                                                    

Hospital Sisters of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis            

NCYC was exciting, exhilarating, and prayerful! I think each year gets better for me, personally as a vocation person.  I think the theme park, the experience this year far surpasses all the others that I have been to. I loved the enthusiasm and spirit. The ones who visited my booth were always ready with a smile, and prayed with me when I asked, and always said thank you for the least little thing! Sister Marguerite Cook, OSF         

Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary                                                                       

Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers                                                                             

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate                                                              

Missionaries of St. Charles Scalabrinians              

In fact, these teens proved that there is hope and the Catholic Church can be formed by inventive, creative, and fully inspired young men and women. They were ready on the last night to be sent off and to be witnesses of God’s presence amongst us. I had the privilege of being present and seeing with my own eyes 24,000 Catholic teens who are respectful, ready to work for peace and justice, and knowledgeable about their faith.   Father Leandro Fossá, C.S.                             

Missionaries of the Precious Blood              

This is my third NCYC to promote vocations and  I was most impressed with a group of young people who came up to Fr. Vince and me on Friday morning asking if we could hear their confession, even though reconciliation hadn’t started yet.  They had full days planned, but really wanted to celebrate the Sacrament. Father Steve  Dos Santos, C.P.P.S.                                                

Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus                      

I feel grateful to NFCYM and NRVC for what is being done to help our young people to know their faith, grow strong in their relationship with God, and live it out. It is a great support system for our youth in their struggle to practice their faith in daily life.   This experience feels me with much hope for the future of the Church and civil society with active Catholics. I love our youth!  Sr. Dorota M. Piechaczek, SSpS         

Oblates of St. Joseph                                                                                                 

Paulist Fathers                                                                                                            

PIME Missionaries                                                                                                     

Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ                        

I found NCYC such an uplifting experience! I loved being among and interacting the high school students, working on CRS Helping Hands, Hats for the Homeless, and in the Nook! I was nourished by the faith-sharing and the energy and enthusiasm of the youth. I also appreciated the down time and space to get to know other vocation team participants. NCYC was a big boost for my soul! I especially appreciated Tony Melendez’s message and music – so powerful! Sister Connie Bach, PHJC                                             

Salesians of Don Bosco                                                                                             

School Sisters of Notre Dame                                                                                  

Servants of the Holy Heart of Mary                                                                        

Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth                

Well worth my time.  I think it is a priceless opportunity to be able to come to an event that is already planned and is full of the audience we are trying to be present to. My experience was excellent, I appreciated both signing up for times to be present and to also wander. The NOOK  was very visible, loved the door décor.  Sister Vicki Lichtenauer, SCL                                            

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas                                                             

Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur                                                            

Sisters of Providence, Saint Mary of the Woods                                                 

Sisters of St. Joseph, Philadelphia                                                                           

Sisters of St. Joseph, Carondelet               

Truly an experience of God’ s presence and our response to bringing these “little ones” to God. This schedule worked well for me as I was able to pace myself and participate in more activities. The buttons were a hit for most folks. The participants seemed to be interested in prayer cards and rosaries, crosses and medals.  NCYC exceeded my expectations. Sister Linda Markway, CSJ                              

Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius            

This is the second time I have coordinated vocation teams for NRVC members at NCYC. Each time I walk away with memories of engaged members, enthusiastic about their time spent with teens, their parents, and youth ministers. The flexibility to promote vocations in a variety of ways is pivotal as NRVC continues to collaborates with NFCYM. Thank you for volunteering your time, creativity, and joy of religious life among our young Church! Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M.                                                        

Sisters of St. Francis, Dubuque                         

There are several vivid memories:  all the students who came and visited in the NOOK;   the full participation of students at the opening and closing gatherings; the fun students were having at the Game section and the Service section in the thematic park and seeing so many religious Sisters and brothers wearing the T shirt. Sister Ginny Heldorfer, OSF                  

Sisters of St. Francis, Philadelphia    

NCYC is best described as fruitful, energizing, and rewarding. Over-all, it was a very good experience and I enjoyed being on the vocation panel. I will seriously consider participating in 2017. Sister Christine Still, OSF                   

The number of participants at the event was most impressive. Seeing everyone in the stadium gave me hope for the future of our Church in the U.S. I really took things as they were. When I went to my first assignment – the Prayer Corner – I chose to help at the mosaic art corner, getting the participants started on the project. As a stained glass artist, I was comfortable with this activity and returned the next day to see the progress. I would recommend this experience to others NRVC members. Sister Christopher Wagner, OSF 

Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception                                                  

Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis  

Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth                                

Sisters of the Precious Blood                                    

The NOOK was great! I liked the way it was set up. It was a warm space where teens and adults could come and relax, just hang out! The Vocation team option is great for the high school event. Well worth my time!!! Sister Patricia Kremer, CPPS    

Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother                                                                           

Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary            

I found the schedule very flexible in that we could have made it as packed or as little as possible. We really enjoyed volunteering in the thematic park. We felt that we were definitely needed and the time went quickly because we were busy.  Thank you for the time and effort that went into this. Sister Rose Bernadette Mulligan, I.H.M.                     

Society of the Divine Word                                                                                      

The Marianists                                                                                                           

The Redemptorists                                                                                                     

Communal Prayer in the Chapel at NCYC

In commemoration for the Year of Consecrated Life, 14 religious institutes were in the Chapel to pray using the spirituality and devotions of their religious institute throughout the three days of NCYC:

Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur

Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent De Paul

Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Franciscan Friars, Conventual

Sisters of Providence

Missionaries of the Most Precious Blood

Sisters of Saint Francis of Philadelphia

Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Benedictines: Our Lady of Grace Monastery

Dominican Sisters of Peace

Franciscan Sisters at Springfield

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas

The Redemptorists

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